More Tips To Enhance Your Writing
by Wilton H. Strickland Almost four years have passed since I shared a few tips about how to enhance your writing. During that time, I’ve witnessed the ongoing deterioration of …
Adventures In Evidence: The Hearsay Rule
by Wilton H. Strickland For far too long I’ve neglected to discuss on this blog the rules of evidence. These rules are essential during all stages of litigation, particularly at …
Montana’s Unique Approach To Claims For Wrongful Discharge From Employment
by Wilton H. Strickland Montana law strikes me as rather friendly to plaintiffs, certainly friendlier than Florida law. For example, Montana plaintiffs generally have 3 years to serve a complaint …
On The Value Of Sticking To Your Guns
by Wilton H. Strickland People often face a great deal of pressure to conform, and this is even more true for young attorneys who strive to gain the approval of …
Fourteenth Amendment Follies
by Wilton H. Strickland The U.S. Supreme Court recently handed down three decisions that have ignited a firestorm of controversy, which is understandable because they concern what many people regard …
Practice Tip: Internal Policies And Procedures Do Not Set The Legal Standard Of Care
by Wilton H. Strickland Litigators often encounter an argument that just “feels” wrong, but they struggle to recall if there is a body of case law refuting it. One such …
Using Force To Defend Property: Legal Or Not?
by Wilton H. Strickland Every law student in the United States eventually reads the famous case of Katko v. Briney, 183 N.W.2d 657 (Iowa 1971). The Brineys were a married …